Suburban Bee™ - Product Line - Prototyping

Hey Folks, so I am working on a few product lines and am really happy about this concept I developed a few years back: Suburban Bee™.

Surburban Bee™ text on a photo of a Carpenter Bee flying towards a yellow flower with a yellow green rectangle in the background.

About 8ish years ago I planted a Yellow Trumpet Bush to attract Hummingbirds to my yard. They never showed up, but a couple years ago I had a ton of Carpenter Bees loving the bush. These big beautiful bees are different from Bumble Bees, my favorite bee, in that they don't have colonies. They do have male drones, but these female bees do all of the work themselves. And they don't sting you and are really non-flustered around humans. So I can set up my gear, get really close and snap some great close up shots of these beautiful big bees. 

I think I really identify with these solitary bees as I am more of a solo photographer. These native Texan pollinators are responsible for the beautiful wildflowers we have across the state in the spring. However, since they are large bees, they can't fit inside the Yellow Trumpet flowers and tend to saw them at the base and get directly to the nectar, resulting in tons of decapitated blooms on the ground near the bush. Hey, I'm just glad someone is eating and pollinating. Doing my part to help nature.

As I was looking over my shots of these bees living in suburbia, I said, HEY, that's a product line! So, as I process these photos for Wall Art I will also be developing a product line that is better suited for my other brand Positive Awe™ that I will be launching in the near future.
